The Challenge
Build a website that highlights the research focus of the centre from supplied design. Easy backend maintenance for site administrators also a prerequisite.
Our Approach
This project was unique for us in that our collaboration was in just building the site and not designing the site. We built the site using the supplied Figma designs from another firm, Alter. These designs were quite extensive and allowed for a vast range of content modules that were required in building the backend.
This site’s backend interface utilises a great feature from Advanced Custom Fields called ‘Flexible Content’ which allows you to build individual modules of content that administrators can combine on various pages in unique ways. This meant coding a very large theme page that has all the variations of modules and building an backed interface that was easy to use for the content administrator. A difficult task in that there were 50 or so modules.
Upon the site going live the theme code was then optimised for speed with minification and asymmetric loading of scripts practices employed to give the site the best chance of high native search engine ranking.
Services Delivered
- Website Theme Coding
- Website Prototyping
- Website Testing & Validation